Sunday, May 27, 2007

Global Warming Summary :)

In Summary, as your read from my posts is that global warming is very serious problem for human lives and countries. This problem accured very quick because the humans and nature. This is every one responsibility not only government, if every body work together their will be little effect. For example if every one use 1 liter of water than 2 liter imagines how much water will be saved, therefore distillation company will reduce a small amount of poisons. Many people have more than 1 car, if every one have only 1 car how much CO2 will be?

I would like to advice every body to deal with this phenomenon in expellant way otherwise we will pay the bill more than we predict.

UAE Action Against Global Warming

{The picture shows the Clean Day for beaches in UAE}

UAE government did a very good step to reduce or to save the world from quick global warming and reduce the CO2 levels. First of all, they produce Unleaded Gas Oil as cars fuel; they build a big and huge unit in the Ruwais Refinery to produce Unleaded Gas Oil. They increase the number of agriculture lands all over the country; huge amount of money were spent to greenest the desert. Even the privet company like Carrefour Store changes the shopping bags from plastic to paper to reduce the poisons gases while burning the waste staff. The UAE Government makes advertisement for their people to alert them from using much water, electricity or cooker. There are also big positive step is that they are going to use solar energy which is good to use the nature sources.

An Inconveniant Truth

Just want share with you something that I saw in the documentary An Inconvenient Truth last few days about Al Gore, the man who was former Vice President of U.S - It wasn't about his good looks or about him running for presidential election, but it was about his serious fight against global warming.

I believe all of us have at one point or other in our life read about global warming and melting icebergs, complained about lunch-time heat, and heard about terrible storms happening in real life that we thought only appear in the movie The Perfect Storm. Have you ever put one and one together and understand how all these are related to us and our future?

Well, one thing that made me sit up during the show was seeing how the rate at which temperatures have been rising and shelf ice in Greenland and Antarctica melting. The result of this low-lying areas all over the world will be submerged - parts of Manhattan, San Francisco, almost the entire Netherlands will be under water... who knows where Singapore will be! And at the rate it is going, all these can happen within decades.

I certainly want encourage you to find out more by watching the movie about global warming.

here is the link to the movie.

UAE & Global Warming

International Day for Biological Diversity is carried out every year ion May22. Plants and animals belonging to UAE will be affected seriously by climate change. The affect of global warming is already including the coral and some kind of fish. As we know that is UAE is desert country and have particular type on animals and plants are endemic to the area and need to be protected. Saif Al Qais, a marine biology professor at the Al Ain was a member in conference says the Arabian Leopard in the UAE become very rare in the mountains,"

Rising Sea Level

The most important effect of global warming is the rising of the sea level. There is a little doubt is that the earth is heating up the study shows that the temperature of last century different than cretin time. If the Greenland ice sheet were to melt the, earth’s sea level will go up from 8 to 10 meters. Therefore many seaports and coastlines would be flooded. If the Antarctic ice sheet melted, Earth's oceans would rise by 100 meters. The result of this low lying area will submerged. Netherlands will be completely under the sea and nobody know where Singapore will be!!

Effects of global warming

There are several effects which caused by global warming. Not only the atmosphere and nature will be effective, also the lives and homes of million and million of people will be in serious problem. Change of climate will be serious problem for people who live near the ocean and who already suffer from flooding and poverty. The predicted effects for human and environment are varied. The main effect is the increasing of global temperature. That’s mean increasing of sea level and decrease in agriculture percentage. The effect also will catch the animals especially in polar areas. There will be big losing of money in some countries which is located near the oceans because of flooding.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Caused By Climate Change

Earth's climate has changed dramatically many times in the past and will almost certainly change many times in the future. Burning coal, oil and natural gas releases carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere. On average, this may warm the earth and change the climate in other ways. Other human activities, such as cutting down forests, and growing rice, and raising cattle, may have the same effect, but are less important. A large or fast change in climate will have a big effect on plants and animals in the natural environment. Very rapid climate change is unlikely, but could be disastrous, even for wealthy countries.