Sunday, May 27, 2007

Global Warming Summary :)

In Summary, as your read from my posts is that global warming is very serious problem for human lives and countries. This problem accured very quick because the humans and nature. This is every one responsibility not only government, if every body work together their will be little effect. For example if every one use 1 liter of water than 2 liter imagines how much water will be saved, therefore distillation company will reduce a small amount of poisons. Many people have more than 1 car, if every one have only 1 car how much CO2 will be?

I would like to advice every body to deal with this phenomenon in expellant way otherwise we will pay the bill more than we predict.


Khuzaima AL-Hashimi said...

Well, what do you think Abdullaziz about the UAE environment?!

Abdulaziz said...

Well, first of all thanks dear brother for passing over my page. In my opinion, I think that is UAE got a very nice environment for us because the government is working hard to make their people happy. Finally, because we are one of the biggest oil production all over the world. The government did many good things and new technique to reduce the poisons gasses.

Me said...

Hi Abdulaziz - keep up your blogging on Global Warming. I have a post on this on my blog that you mihgt be interested in.

The link is

Abdulaziz said...

Thanks my brother for passing over here and spent time to read my posts. Definitely, I will check your link and read more about the global warming. Keep passing by my brother.