Monday, May 14, 2007

Causes of Global warming

Global Warming is caused by many things. The causes are separated
up into two groups, man-made and natural causes.

Natural causes: Created by nature.
The first one is that release of methane gas from arctic tundra
and wetlands. Methane is green house gas which traps heats in the earth’s
The second one is that the earth goes through a cycle of climate

There are also some major causes created by man made which is
doing probably the most damage. Pollution is one of the biggest man-made
problems. Another major man-made cause of Global Warming is population. Which
sorted in three or more groups? More people mean more food and more method of
transition. That’s mean more methane because there will be more burning of
fossil and fuels. Another problem with the increasing population is
transportation. More people mean more cars and more cars means more pollution.
Also, many people have more than one car especially in rich countries. Another
source of methane is manure. Because more food is needed we have to raise food.
Animals like cows are a source of food which means more manure and methane.
Another cause is that the war and the nuclear weapons and nuclear factories,
those factories produced harmful gasses which has negative affect on the Ozone
layer and atmosphere

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