Sunday, May 27, 2007

Rising Sea Level

The most important effect of global warming is the rising of the sea level. There is a little doubt is that the earth is heating up the study shows that the temperature of last century different than cretin time. If the Greenland ice sheet were to melt the, earth’s sea level will go up from 8 to 10 meters. Therefore many seaports and coastlines would be flooded. If the Antarctic ice sheet melted, Earth's oceans would rise by 100 meters. The result of this low lying area will submerged. Netherlands will be completely under the sea and nobody know where Singapore will be!!


Nehyan Al Ameri said...

if the sea level increase will cause some animals kill and the people will face many of diseases because the result of floods

Abdulaziz said...

And also some country will be effect like nethralnds or singapor i mean all low-lands country will suffer.