Sunday, May 20, 2007

Caused By Climate Change

Earth's climate has changed dramatically many times in the past and will almost certainly change many times in the future. Burning coal, oil and natural gas releases carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere. On average, this may warm the earth and change the climate in other ways. Other human activities, such as cutting down forests, and growing rice, and raising cattle, may have the same effect, but are less important. A large or fast change in climate will have a big effect on plants and animals in the natural environment. Very rapid climate change is unlikely, but could be disastrous, even for wealthy countries.


CompuGuru said...

Great info dude, but seeing as ur from UAE could u plz give us some info on the measurements the UAE took regarding global warming?


Abdulaziz said...

Thanx bro for passing by. The UAE work hard to solve the pollution problem by building treatment unit for treat the unuseful gases better than flaring them this what happen in pertol factories in UAE.
They also increase reforestation.

Molly Kirk said...

I'd like to see more about the effects of global warming on the UAE. This article in Gulf News talks about the effects of global warming on native UAE plants and animals. Do you think that this article gives a balanced argument as to why these species are disappearing?

Abdulaziz said...

Thanks Miss Molly for your suggestion. I will check the link and read what is there and give you brief description about it. I appreciate your comments and please alert me if there something wrong. Everyone can make a mistake.